zReportage - Amazing Stories from Around the World
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audio, stills, text and or video: Go to http://www.zReportage.com to see more - Jordan's Zaatari refugee camp is home to 170,000 people from Syria who have fled the fighting. While camps are the more visible part of the refugee crisis, the majority of refugees in Jordan live in towns and cities where they face different problems. Rents have tripled over the past six months as landlords cash in on the new demand for housing. The Zaatari refugee camp is about 70 kilometers north of the Jordanian capital Amman, near the town of Mafraq and 30 kilometers from the Syrian border. More than 1.4 million Syrians have been forced to flee to to neighboring Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq. Almost 450,000 are registered in Jordan. As violence in Syria continues, the al-Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan is on pace to become the largest in the world.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 23, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - Refugees walk along Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - In the kitchen FERIAL is making a late lunch for her family. She cooks only once a day, because the line to the kitchen takes so much time. With very sparse ingredients, she manages to produce a very inviting meal while her children play around her legs.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 23, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - The refugees arrive from the border to the camp in the middle of the night. When they reach Jordan, the border police have them wait until late in the evening. They register them, bus them to the camp where they are checked, registered again and and finally given a temporary bed for the night.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 24, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - A scene from Zaatari refugee camp.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 23, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - Refugees arrive from the border to the camp in the middle of the night. When they reach Jordan, the border police have them wait until late in the evening to be registered. They are then bused to the camp where they are checked, registered again and finally given a temporary bed for the night.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 23, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - A woman takes a walk at the Zaatari refugee camp.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - RAHA is 23 years old and works to keep herself from falling apart. Her house was hit by a rocket and her husband and five of her children were killed. Her husband was still alive when she found him but too severely injured to make it to the hospital. The only surviving child is now with her relatives who refuse to let her have any contact with him.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 23, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - The line to the bread starts at 5 a.m. and goes on for hours. Many families send their young boys to stand in line for them until they finally receive their ration of four loaves of bread per person.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 24, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - At one of the schools at the camp, the appearance is deceiving. It looks like any other school. It is clean, organized and has drawings on the walls. But when you look closer, the drawings reveal the painful memories of war from the students.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 24, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - SAMIA is a mother of five daughters. When Samia's village was assailed, she was in her third trimester. They tried to stay, but as the bombs drew nearer they had to flee. After two hours on the road she went into labor and had to stop. She had her baby in an abandoned house, stayed there for a couple of days and then continued on.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 24, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - In one of the camps, HALA, 11, has been chosen to open an exhibition showing the works of the school's students.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - Doctor REEMA DIAB receives a patient who is asking for a pregnancy test. Every week about 30 children are born in the camp.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - Parents can leave their children during the day in a daycare camp run by Save the Children International.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - When the sun sets and the temperature cools down people come out of their tents.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - The camp is growing in a rapid pace. Every night between 1000 to 2000 people arrive.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - The camp is growing in a rapid pace. Every night between 1000 to 2000 people arrive.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - In the kitchen FERIAL makes a late lunch for her family. She cooks only once a day, because the line to the kitchen takes so much time. With very sparse ingredients she manages to produce a very inviting meal while her children play around her legs.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - A scene from Zaatari refugee camp.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - The bathrooms transmit many of the diseases in the camp. The water and floor are dirty, and many people complain of constant diarrhea and contaminated water.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 23, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - A teenage boy shows the torture-related injuries he obtained all over his body. He was arrested trying to escape from his conscription to the army.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - A big market has evolved in the camp. It serves as an oasis where people go to socialize and buy things that they lack. Everything can be found here, from diapers to food, pillows and cotton candy. It is not legal but no one does anything to stop it.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 24, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - The line to the bread starts at 5 am and goes on for hours. The ration is four loaves of bread per person.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 24, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - LAMIA serves breakfast to her daughters and her only son. She increases the bread ration by making her own bread on a gas stove even though the gas burners are not allowed in the camp.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 24, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - DIANA SIAM is a psychologist at one of the schools.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - Samia fixes her daughter's hair. She is a mother of five daughters.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - RASHA ZEINE, who is the coordinator of Save the Children Jordan, plays with a child in the camp.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 25, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - When the sun sets and the temperature cools down people come out of their tents.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA
March 23, 2013 - Zaatari refugee camp, Jordan - The line to the bread starts at 5 a.m. and goes on for hours. Many families send their young boys to stand in line for them until they finally receive their ration of four breads per person.
© Linda Forsell/Kontinent/zReportage via ZUMA

Linda Forsell

Linda Forsell is based in Stockholm, Sweden and works for newspapers and magazines such as Svenska Dagbladet and Fokus. In 2008 she was awarded in the Swedish picture of the year contest, and she has also been exhibited throughout Sweden. She has attended the Nordic Master Class workshop in the fall of 2008. Her pictures have been published internationally in publications that include deutshe le Monde and Time.com. (Credit Image: © Linda Forsell/ZUMAPRESS.com)..:475

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